Friday, May 1, 2009

Girls Just Want to Have Fun!

SURPRISE!! My sister came out to visit me on a surprise visit...well, she came out to visit Addison but who's counting. It was SO much fun having her here and having someone to confide in with all the gorry details....nipples, the "healing" process, the barf and poo, and all of the other daily activities that you only share with yourself during the day. It was great to have her here because she enlightened me on a few items (ok, just made me feel downright guilty).

1. You have to give the baby a bath more than once a week. I didn't know. Who would have thought a little creature could get so smelly? The bad thing was that I was around her all the time so I couldn't smell her funk. Nasty.
2. You need to get out of the house. I also smelled funky and am getting increasingly crazy because I'm not dealing with the "outside". Point blank...I'm terrified to take her anywhere. It seems that she has a trigger, like Pavlov's Dog...the minute she hears the seat belt buckle, you hear a giant poo blow out. By the time I bring her back in and change her, it's time to eat again...a vicious cycle. ARG!
3. You can dress her in cute girls clothes and not leave her in co-ed lookig onesis all day. OK, seriously?! We don't leave the house so who gives a crap what she craps in all day at the house. But point taken. She has an arsenal of adorable pink and green outfits that the tags are still on.
4. I do need to get away from the baby at least once a day. I think she came to this conclusion by finding me hiding under the covers, rocking in the corner as the baby FINALLY took a nap. She may have a point here.
5. I need to join a mommy's club. None of my friends with children live in close proximity to me and if they did, I wouldn't have felt the guilt of points 1-4 above. Just so I wouldn't miss another "you know what I would do" from my sister or mom...I joined 2 of those damn mommy clubs (more about those later...they actually rock!)

It was great to see my sister and I cried all the way home when she left. She was great with Addison and she simply can't wait to see her again. THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING!! I love you!

PS...the video is a payback from making me feel like a bad mom (see points 1-5 above). Also, this is proof that she changed diapers. American Idol, here comes Trisha Barton!



  1. That is awesome!!! Trish you are such a great aunty!!!!!

  2. This is how they develop them men loving creatures.."I will survive.." really? Hey Now Auntie!

  3. Trish, I just left Tara 2 days ago and she was still talking about your visit. You're the super sister/aunt!!
