Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Easy Come. Easy Go.

I think it's HILARIOUS how this entry can follow the last entry. Not that he's a bad dad at all (in fact, quite the opposite)...just maybe a little forgetful.

We (Addison and I) had a bad day yesterday. She was super fussy and I was nearing mind loss. I tried everything, bouncing on the yoga ball, playing on the floor, holding her, rocking her, taking her for a car ride (man, I didn't realize our neighborhood was so small...after 15 rounds on the same street, I called that quits too), finally surrendering to a tall glass of wine and retail therapy.

I met some friends out in Burlingame and was SO happy when Jon said he'd put her to bed...bath and everything! I was SO excited and seriously moved to tears at this ever so kind gesture.

This morning, I woke up to a not so nice surprise. Addison's room seriously smells like a hazmat area. I feel like I can't see through the 8+ hour funk from sleeping through the night (believe me, I'd take the eye lash curling smell over a full nights sleep any day). But this morning was oddly different. Almost like popcorn mixed with kitty litter (the kind that has already been soiled) but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. As I got closer to the crib, the smell was getting thicker and I was loosing consciousness. After I sprayed myself with a little water and came to...that's when I noticed...Good Daddy forgot to put a diaper on her last night. So after 8 hours of her pooping and peeing, there the poor girl lay in her own soiled bed. She actually was smiling bigger than ever when I realized what had happened...I think she was saying "the jokes on you, get me out of this stench."

Ah, Jon...this is the same guy that ran back into the house to get his wallet and after 10 minutes I came in to help him look only to find him watching TV. He FORGOT we were going anywhere and FORGOT I was waiting in the car. We love him though but I think I will do a diaper check next time.


  1. Hilarious. You should "forget" to do laundry today and teach him a lesson!

  2. Tara, that is one of the funniest stories I have heard in a long time. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Hey now, there was a noticable mis print.

    "Daddy happily cleaned all soiled clothing items and bedding"

    DAMN it was funny,

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. OMG, that is hilarious. New mother's lives are SO similar... Maybe I should join a mom's group!

  6. I laughed so hard I almost choked on my gummy bear. You three are better than TV.

  7. And you guys looked so professional and calm while I was there.
    miss you already!!

  8. Do you know anyone at a major network? I think your home life would make a great sitcom. Hysterical!!

  9. Daddy's logic represent!..the way I see it this was a great first attempt to potty train her, and teach her to tolerate her own stench, much like most of us have no problem smelling our own farts..well done Jon! Tough Love!

  10. Too funny. I can only imagine how you broke the news to Jon. I can't wait to see you in action.

  11. That is just way too funny!!!! hahaha...
