Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Devil does sleep.

I can't hardly believe my eyes when I got up yesterday morning and the clock said 7:10!?! I thought "did she die" or "did someone take her". In my slight panic, I stumbled to her bedroom and there she slept. She stunk like day old poop but my that was the most magical 5 hours a girl could ask for.

Yes, I love her...don't get me wrong but seeing those beady little Satan eyes look up at you so contently at 2:45 in the morning (almost mocking me) makes me pray to whatever God will just make the eyelids shut. SHUT, EYES, SHUT FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE! But there I sit and rock willing those eyes to close...and just then, they did. God bless eyelids! Now I love her even more and I walk into her room with a whole new respect for babies...and the Gods.

I never thought this day would come....and of course, I think it's a fluke so I'm sure I won't be basking in the glory of another "full" nights sleep for many days...but just then...she slept AGAIN another night. Oh how I hate seeing the clock tick through the hours I once spent bellied up to a bar...1:30 am....2:45 am...3:50 get the point. Again, I'm not getting my hopes up but happy to avoid the loony bin today. As for tomorrow, no promises.

PS...I would have posted a picture but there's no chance I was going to wake her up.

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