Well, not at 3:00 in the morning and again at 4:00 am. But she does win me back over in the morning. She's bright eyed and bushy tail (oh for about 15 minutes then we have massive meltdown again). I have a confession to make...last night (or this morning..too hard to tell the difference), I woke up to feed her at about 2:45 am. About 3:15 I found myself asleep in the chair, holding Addison....still boob in mouth. HA!! I flashed back to some of the drunken nights with my husband. Inappropriate? Yes, I'm sure it is. But it was pretty damn funny. We were both out cold...that was of course, before I put her back to bed. All hell broke loose then.
All jokes aside, we are looking to order up a sleep counselor for her. She's got her days and nights totally mixed up and we just want to check in with an expert to make sure we are not messing up too badly.
By the way...Happy Birthday, Auntie Trisha! Can't wait til you have the joy of meeting the bipolar child of mine. XOXO
I can't believe she's already a month old! Thanks for this blog. I'll check it often. Keep up the good work!