It's pretty sad that I haven't updated my blog since #2 has arrived....Avery Lynn Moeller to be exact. She arrived a few days early but was able to miss the big events around Addison's life...her 2nd birthday party (Sunday, March 13th) and her actual birthday (March 15th). Instead she arrived smack dab between the two. On 8:08 pm Tuesday, March 14th, Avery arrived at 7 lb and 6 oz and at 21 1/2 inches (those are almost all correct...give me a break already). For a few hours, we officially had 2 kids under 2. Semantics? Yes but still it's true.
How did you prepare for such a crazy addition, Tara? There are no books out there to teach you how to bring home #2?! I couldn't believe it. So I had to ask perfect strangers at Target and the grocery store that looked like their kids were about 2 years apart. I asked all kinds of questions like "Did you put the older in a toddler bed before the baby arrived or sack up for another crib?" "Did you keep both kids at home during maternity leave?" "How did you manage the sacred mommy time with the toddler without going crazy when the baby was screaming their head off?" and the best question "What the hell am I getting myself into?" The answers were all over the place even though I thought I properly screened each mom by shallowly judging them according to their appearance (did they look showered or are they wearing the proper Lululemon attire) and the cuteness of their kids but alas, judging the books and covers don't work...dag!
I've now contemplated writing a book because for lack of cuthe, I wouldn't lie about what the hell you are actually getting yourself into (unless it's to a pregnant lady with a toddler in tote...that's just plain mean). While I've learned a lot in the last few weeks, I'm certain I have lot more to learn. For one...I'm not made to be a stay at home mommy (God bless every single one of those ladies...they should DEFINITELY get handicapped stickers for the parking alone). Here was my short stint with staying at home....
Addison has been sick the past few days with some crazy diarrhea. I tried to be the responsible mom and take her to the park, read a few books and fit in art and crafts time. I REALLY tried but failed miserably. She was mean and screamed when we went to the park, then screamed as we were coming home (surround sound screaming while both were wailing). I was getting some crazy looks spanning from "Ahh, that poor lady" "Glad it's not my kids" to "You are a terrible mother" During meal times it went like so...Mommy: "Do you want milk and a cheese sandwich" Addison: "NO MILK!!!" Mommy: "Ok, no milk." Addison "MOMMY I WANT MILK!!!" Damn, so I stuck with what I know, Disney movies and Sesame Street.
Alas, I woke up this morning after a short nap (2:45 am feeding and Addison woke up and decided to "sleep" with us which meant kicking me in the back all night). No worries though, I had a little pep in my step...I was dropping Addison off at school today. So as I dropped her off, a smile came across my face (more like a smirk) and felt a little bad as the teachers are not getting paid enough to care for the possessed kid I was about to drop off. It was good for me to learn that I am not cut out for stay at homeness and good for my husband as he was assured that we will always be a double income family. that I've caught you up to the past few weeks (and perhaps raised your blood pressure or reminded you to renew your birth control pills), I've got a baby to feed. To land on a good note, the girls are back (so long A cup...HELLO C!).